Warneet & Cannons Creek, Victoria
Town: Warneet & Cannons Creek, Victoria
Location: 54 kilometres south east of Melbourne and is situated at the northern head of Westernport Bay
Population: 1,183
Client: South East Water
Council: City of Casey
Year: 2003
Scope: Design & Construction of the Pressure Sewer Pumping Equipment to the properties within the two villages.
Environmental Factors: Warneet and Cannons Creek sit at the northern end of Westernport Bay. It is a low-lying salt estuary area with king tide localised flooding within the Rutherford Creek catchment. Both villages are separated by the Rutherford Creek. The area naturally drains into Westernport Bay which is a fishing and recreational boating area. The soil profile was sand, peat and thick clay which did not allow the onsite septic soakage system to work correctly, coupled with rising ground water with tidal movement recharging absorption trenches and septics.
PSSA Solution: The project involved the design and construction of Pressure Sewer Pump Stations to residential properties, Boating & Yacht Clubs and the local General Stores. The works also included the connection and upgrading of the internal plumbing drains connecting to the Pressure Sewer System and decommissioning of the existing Septic Systems.
Environmental Outcomes: Locally, the Rutherford Creek saw an immediate improvement to water clarity and a return to more fishing and swimming activities within the creek area 12 months post completion. The community saw a decline in mosquito activity due to the reduction of stagnant water lying on the surface. Open spoon drains within the streetscape improved and odours from septic systems were no longer present. This project removed 84.5 million litres of septic and greywater discharge from the environment per annum.