Wangaratta, Victoria
Town: Wangaratta, Victoria
Location: 236 kilometres north of Melbourne situated on the junction of the Ovens and King rivers.
Population: 19,318
Client: North East Water
Council: Rural City of Wangaratta
Year: 2014
Scope: Design and construction of a pressure sewer system within a flood zone
Environmental Factors: The project area was within the Ovens and King River catchment areas protected by a flood bank levee. The soil profile was heavy clay which reduced the absorption rate of the septic system disposal for onsite containment.
PSSA Solution: Construction of a pressure sewer system for the existing and new homes built within the flood levee using trenchless technology and large diameter auguring.
Environmental Outcomes: Improvement to roads open drains with no greywater discharges to river catchment and dryer land around the property assisting with better health conditions.