Victor harbor, south australia

Town:  Victor Harbor, South Australia

Location:  82 kilometres south of Adelaide and is situated on the South Australian south coast Fleurieu Peninsula and is home to South Australia’s high school graduates’ “schoolies” celebrations.

Population: 4,233

Client: SA Water

Council: City of Victor Harbour

Year: 2007

Scope: Design & Construction of a Pressure Sewer System to serve properties along the Inman River below the gravity sewerage network.

Environmental Factors: The area abuts the Inman River and during heavy rain events was subject to localised flooding. The soil profile was sand and clay with the properties being in close proximity to the river. The septic systems were leching into the river catchment due to excessive ground and flood water.

PSSA Solution:  The project included the design of the Pressure Sewer System to overcome the high ground water table (600mm below the NSL) including directional drilling under the Inman River to eliminate the environmental and cultural issues associated with the area.

Environmental Outcomes: Inman River and the associated estuary saw a vast improvement along with localised soil conditions becoming dryer. Water pooling in low lying areas was eliminated due to excess water from septic systems being removed. This project removed 2.9 million litres of septic and greywater discharge from the environment per annum.