Charbon, New South Wales
Town: Charbon, New South Wales
Location: 227 Kilometres North west of Sydney, situated just west of Wollemi National Park home to the mystical Wollemi Pine Tree – World Heritage Area.
Population: 150
Client: MWRC
Council: Mid Western Regional Council
Year: 2019
Scope: Design and construction of a pressure sewer system to connect the village to Kandos Sewerage System
Environmental Factors: The project area was situated within the Cumber Melon Creek which is a part of the Cudgegong River Catchment. Due to the soil profile being shale and clay, onsite septic systems were not performing and run off was identified as entering the local waterways. Odour was also a major issue for the community.
PSSA Solution: Installation of a pressure sewer network via trenchless technology and onsite pump stations including the connection of property sewerage drains to the pressure sewer system.
Environmental Outcomes: Immediate improvement to the local environment with septic run off no longer being an issue. A reduction in septic odour around the village and an improvement to local health and waterways. This project removed 8.8 million litres of septic and greywater discharge from the environment per annum.