apia, western samoa
Town: Apia, Western Samoa
Location: 4331 kilometres from Sydney situated in the Pacific Ocean
Population: 37,391
Client: Samoa Water Authority
Council: N/A
Year: 2014
Scope: The design and construction of a Pressure Sewer Reticulation & Collection System to serve 105 properties on the Mulinuu Peninsular and Beach Road precinct within the Capital of Apia.
Environmental Factors: The area was situated on the water front of the Apia harbour and a coral outcrop which has a high-water table and tidal movement. Soil profile consisted of sand, coral, volcanic rock and heavy clay. Septic soakage systems were not functioning due to the tidal ground water movement.
PSSA Solution: To extend the existing system to service more areas using trenchless technology past the government law courts, parliament house and other commercial sites. We also trained the existing operation and maintenance team in procedures and servicing of pressure sewer equipment. Most installations required the use of open cut excavation due to high water table.
Environmental Outcomes: Properties connected to the system saw a localised improvement to ground conditions around buildings with dryer conditions. An overall improvement to health was also observed as the sewerage was pumped to the treatment plant. This project removed 20.6 million litres of septic and greywater discharge from the environment per annum.